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Version: 4.7.24

Fetch test result by ID

Fetch test result by ID

Path Parameters
    id uuid required

    The ID of the test result


Test result retrieved successfully

    id uuid required

    The unique identifier for the test result.

    createdAt date-time required

    The date and time the test result was created.

    updatedAt date-time required

    The date and time the test result was last updated.

    pipelineId uuid required

    The unique identifier for the pipeline associated with the test result.

    branch string nullable

    The branch that the test result was created from

    commit string nullable

    The commit that the test result was created from

    metadata object nullable
    property name* MetadataValueObject nullable

    type string required

    Possible values: [url]

    url uri required
    text string required
    type string required

    type string required

    Possible values: [url]

    url uri required
    text string required
    name string nullable

    The name of the test result

    pipeline object
    id uuid required

    The ID of the pipeline

    createdAt date-time required

    The date and time when the pipeline was created

    updatedAt date-time required

    The date and time when the pipeline was last updated

    archivedAt date-time nullable

    The date and time when the pipeline was archived, can be null if the pipeline has not been archived

    labels string[] required

    The labels attached to the pipeline

    displayName string nullable

    The name of the pipeline

    slug string required

    The slug of the pipeline

    organizationId string required

    The ID of the organization that owns the pipeline

    branch string nullable

    The branch that the pipeline is associated with

    goldenDatasetId string nullable required

    The ID of the golden dataset associated with the pipeline

    evaluators object[]
  • Array [
  • id uuid required
    createdAt datetime required
    updatedAt datetime required
    archivedAt datetime nullable
    icon string nullable
    name string required
    options array nullable required
    aiModel string nullable
    pipelineId string required
    processorId string nullable
    heuristicFn string nullable
    aiPromptFormat string nullable
    humanPrompt string nullable
    who string required
    valueType string required
  • ]
  • runs object[]
  • Array [
  • id uuid required
    createdAt datetime required
    updatedAt datetime required
    caseId uuid required
    resultId uuid required
    full object
    pipelineRunId uuid required
    pipelineId uuid required
    organizationId uuid required
    startTime datetime required
    endTime datetime required
    cost number nullable
    elapsed number nullable
    feedback number nullable

    Possible values: <= 1

    lastInvocation string nullable
    inputs object nullable
    property name* any nullable
    outputs object nullable
    property name* any nullable
    renderHTMLKey string nullable
    metadata object nullable
    property name* MetadataValueObject nullable

    type string required

    Possible values: [url]

    url uri required
    text string required
    type string required

    type string required

    Possible values: [url]

    url uri required
    text string required
    steps object[]
  • Array [
  • id uuid
    organizationId uuid
    providerName string
    invocation string
    modelParams object
    property name* any
    inputs object
    property name* any
    outputs object
    property name* any
    startTime datetime
    endTime datetime
    pipelineRunId uuid
  • ]
  • case object
    id uuid required

    The ID of the test case

    createdAt date-time required

    The date and time when the test case was created

    archivedAt date-time nullable deprecated

    The date and time when the test case was archived, can be null if the test case has not been archived

    deletedAt date-time nullable required

    The date and time when the test case was deleted, can be null if the test case has not been deleted

    updatedAt date-time required

    The date and time when the test case was last updated

    expectedOutputs object nullable

    The expected outputs for the test case

    inputs object required

    The input data for the test case as a JSON object

    property name* any

    The input data for the test case as a JSON object

    name string required

    The name of the test case

    pipelineId uuid required

    The ID of the pipeline that the test case belongs to

    datasetId uuid required

    The ID of the dataset that the test case belongs to

    evaluations object[]
  • Array [
  • id uuid required
    createdAt datetime required
    updatedAt datetime required
    isPending boolean required
    debug object nullable
    evaluatorId uuid required
    runId uuid required
    evalLabel string nullable
    evalValue number nullable
    manualCreatedByEmail string nullable
    billingGpt4InputTokens integer required
    billingGpt4OutputTokens integer required
    billingGpt35InputTokens integer required
    billingGpt35OutputTokens integer required
  • ]
  • ]