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Version: 2.0.0

Test case management via SDK

We expose a few methods to perform CRUD operations on test cases. This is helpful for creating internal workflows to manage test cases.

Test case creation (single)

import { createTestCase } from "@gentrace/core";
const caseId = await createTestCase({
pipelineSlug: "testing-pipeline-id",
name: "Test case 1",
inputs: {
query: "describing an ethical dilemma you encountered and asking for feedback",
sender: "Batman",
receiver: "Black Widow"
expectedOutputs: {
value: "Dear Natasha,\n I have run into a problem..."
console.log("Case ID: ", caseId);

Test case creation (multiple)

import { createTestCases } from "@gentrace/core";
const creationCount = await createTestCases({
pipelineSlug: "emails",
testCases: [
name: "Batman -> Black Window #1",
inputs: {
query: "describing an ethical dilemma you encountered and asking for feedback",
sender: "Batman",
receiver: "Black Widow"
expectedOutputs: {
value: "Dear Natasha,\n I have run into a problem..."
name: "Superman -> Wonder Woman #3",
inputs: {
query: "desperately asking for backup to a tough situation you am in",
sender: "Superman",
receiver: "Wonder Woman"
expectedOutputs: {
value: "Subject: Urgent Assistance Required: Backup Needed Immediately"
console.log("Creation count: ", creationCount);

Update case

import { updateTestCase } from "@gentrace/core";
const caseId = await updateTestCase({
id: "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
// You can also update the archive status, inputs, and expected outputs
name: "New test case name",
console.log("caseId", caseId);