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Version: 2.0.0

PipelineRun class - OpenAI handler

The PipelineRun class instance exposes an OpenAI handler that simplifies capturing generative output in Gentrace.

For a guided walkthrough of the Gentrace OpenAI integration, visit our quickstart here.


When the PipelineRun instance is created, you can create a handle in two different ways to communicate with OpenAI.


Creating a simple handle is the easiest way to get started.

const openai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_KEY,
const chatCompletionResponse = await{
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Hello! What's the capital of Maine?" }],
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
stream: true,


The more advanced way involves creating a handle that is bound to a PipelineRun instance. This allows you to attach multiple steps to a single PipelineRun instance.

const runner = pipeline.start();
const openai = runner.openai;
const chatCompletionResponse = await{
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Hello! What's the capital of Maine?" }],
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
stream: true,
await runner.submit();

Chat completion

The method is a wrapper around the equivalent OpenAI Node.JS chat completion API.


The original method parameters are supported. The below key/value pairs overwrite or augment the defaults.


If you're using the Simple SDK, you can specify the pipeline slug here. If you're using the Advanced SDK, this is set in the Pipeline constructor and must be omitted.


An array of messages that will be fed to the model. The array must contain at least one message. The main different between this and the original API is that the messages array optionally allows templated values in each element with the contentTemplate and contentInputs keys.

const runner = pipeline.start();
const openai = runner.openai;
const chatCompletionResponse = await{
messages: [
role: "user",
contentTemplate: "Hello {{ name }}!",
contentInputs: { name: "Vivek" },
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
stream: true,

This object contains Gentrace context. Learn about context here.

Return value

The return value is a Promise that resolves to the original OpenAI response. If you're using the simple SDK, the response is augmented with a pipelineRunId that references the run.


The pipelineRunId is a unique identifier for the run. It can be used to retrieve the run later.


The openai.completions.create() method is a wrapper around the equivalent OpenAI Node.JS completion API.


The original openai.completions.create() method parameters are supported. The below key/value pairs overwrite or augment the defaults.


If you're using the Simple SDK, you can specify the pipeline slug here. If you're using the Advanced SDK, this is set in the Pipeline constructor and must be omitted.


A template string that will be fed to the model. The string optionally allows templated values with the promptInputs key. We use Mustache syntax for templating.


An object containing values that will be used to replace the template values in promptTemplate.

const runner = pipeline.start();
const openai = runner.openai;
const completionResponse = await openai.completions.create({
model: "text-davinci-003",
promptTemplate: "Write a brief summary of the history of {{ company }}: ",
promptInputs: {
company: "Google",
await runner.submit();

This object contains Gentrace context. Learn about context here.

Return value

The return value is a Promise that resolves to the original OpenAI response. If you're using the simple SDK, the response is augmented with a pipelineRunId that references the run.


The pipelineRunId is a unique identifier for the run. It can be used to retrieve the run later.


The openai.embeddings.create() method is a wrapper around the equivalent OpenAI Node.JS embedding API.


The original openai.embeddings.create() method parameters are supported. The below key/value pairs overwrite or augment the defaults.


If you're using the Simple SDK, you can specify the pipeline slug here. If you're using the Advanced SDK, this is set in the Pipeline constructor and must be omitted.

const runner = pipeline.start();
const openai = runner.openai;
const embeddingResponse = await openai.embeddings.create({
model: "text-embedding-ada-002",
input: "The capital of Maine is Augusta",
await runner.submit();

This object contains Gentrace context. Learn about context here.

Return value

The return value is a Promise that resolves to the original OpenAI response. If you're using the simple SDK, the response is augmented with a pipelineRunId that references the run.


The pipelineRunId is a unique identifier for the run. It can be used to retrieve the run later.