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Version: 2.0.0

Test cases - Create multiple

Create multiple test cases with createTestCases().



The payload argument is a JavaScript array payload of the new test cases (type CreateMultipleTestCase). In our API, this payload is used to create the new test cases.


🛠️ CreateMultipleTestCase

This type defines the structure for creating multiple test cases. Below are the fields of the CreateMultipleTestCases type.


The slug (unique identifier) for the pipeline. It is a string that represents a simplified, URL-friendly version of a pipeline name.


An array of test cases to create. Each test case has the type CreateMultipleTestCasesTestCasesInner.

🛠️ CreateMultipleTestCasesTestCasesInner

This type defines the structure for creating a single test case. Below are the fields of the CreateMultipleTestCasesTestCasesInner type.


The name of the test case. It is a string that identifies the test case.


The input data for the test case, formatted as a JSON object. The keys are strings and the values can be of any type.


The expected outputs for the test case, also formatted as a JSON object. This can be null if there are no expected outputs defined for the test case.

Return value


The number of test cases created as a number.


const creationCount = await createTestCases({
pipelineSlug: "example-pipeline",
testCases: [
name: `TC 1`,
inputs: { a: 1, b: 2 },
expectedOutputs: { c: 3 },
console.log("Created test case count: ", creationCount);