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Version: 4.7.8

Create a new test result from test runs

Create a new test result from test runs

Request Body required
    pipelineSlug string required

    Slug for the pipeline

    branch string nullable

    The branch that the test result was created from

    commit string nullable

    The commit that the test result was created from

    name string nullable

    The name of the test result

    metadata object nullable
    property name* MetadataValueObject nullable

    type string required

    Possible values: [url]

    url uri required
    text string required
    type string required

    type string required

    Possible values: [url]

    url uri required
    text string required
    testRuns object[] required
  • Array [
  • id uuid nullable

    The ID of the test run

    caseId uuid required

    The ID of the test case

    inputs object required

    The input data for the test case

    property name* any

    The input data for the test case

    outputs object

    The returned outputs for the test case

    property name* any

    The returned outputs for the test case

  • ]

Test result created successfully

    resultId uuid required