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Version: 4.7.43


Use experiments to quickly tweak parameters in your generative AI pipeline and then run your pipeline using these changed parameters.

🛑Early Access

Experiments is currently in early access and may undergo significant changes.

If you want to get started immediately, you can copy this script here. Continue reading for step by step instructions.

Local setup​

Gentrace needs a connection to your environment to run the experiments with modified parameters through your pipeline.

If you are running your experiments against a local version of your pipeline, you can open a websocket to Gentrace from your local machine. In your testing script, using the Typescript SDK:

import { init, listen } from '@gentrace/core';
apiKey: process.env.GENTRACE_API_KEY ?? '',

To setup a server environment instead, read our guide below.

Register interactions​

Now that you have your environment configured, you can register the interactions from your pipeline that you would like to test. Wrap all of your pipeline functionality that you want to experiment on in a call to defineInteraction.

Here is an example for a pipeline that writes an email based on the provided instructions.

import { init, defineInteraction, listen, templateParameter } from '@gentrace/core';
import OpenAI from 'openai';
import { z } from 'zod';
apiKey: process.env.GENTRACE_API_KEY ?? '',
const openai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_KEY ?? "",
const writeEmail = defineInteraction({
name: 'Write email',
fn: async ({ fromName, fromEmail, toEmail, instructions }) => {
// TODO: Call your pipeline code here
const completion = await{
model: 'gpt-4o-mini',
messages: [
role: 'user',
`Write an email to ${toEmail} from (${fromName}) ${fromEmail} according to these instructions: ${instructions}`,
return {
body: completion.choices[0].message.content,
// Optional - validates input types
inputType: z.object({
fromName: z.string(),
fromEmail: z.string().email(),
toEmail: z.string().email(),
instructions: z.string(),


Before tweaking the parameters you use in your pipeline, you must first specify what those parameters are. Four types of parameters are supported: string, number, enum (a list of strings) or template (a Mustache template).

In the example from above, you have your environment configured and your interaction registered, so you can now add your parameters. Here we add a template parameter so you can tweak the prompt for the pipeline:

import { init, defineInteraction, listen, templateParameter } from '@gentrace/core';
import OpenAI from 'openai';
import { z } from 'zod';
apiKey: process.env.GENTRACE_API_KEY ?? '',
const openai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_KEY ?? "",
const writeEmailPromptParameter = templateParameter({
name: 'Write email prompt',
'Write an email to {{toEmail}} from ({{fromName}}) {{fromEmail}} according to these instructions: {{instructions}}',
const writeEmail = defineInteraction({
name: 'Write email',
fn: async ({ fromName, fromEmail, toEmail, instructions }) => {
// TODO: Call your pipeline code here
const completion = await{
model: 'gpt-4o-mini',
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: writeEmailPromptParameter.render({
return {
body: completion.choices[0].message.content,
parameters: [writeEmailPromptParameter],
// Optional - validates input types
inputType: z.object({
fromName: z.string(),
fromEmail: z.string().email(),
toEmail: z.string().email(),
instructions: z.string(),

Below are a few other examples for different types of parameters you may want to configure.

Here is an example for an enum parameter that you could use to test different models for your pipeline.

import { defineInteraction, enumParameter } from '@gentrace/core';
import { z } from 'zod';
const modelParameter = enumParameter({
name: "AI Model",
defaultValue: "GPT-4o",
options: ["GPT-4o", "GPT-4o-mini", "claude-3.5-sonnet", "gemini-1.5-pro-002"],
const chooseModel = defineInteraction({
name: "Choose model",
fn: async ({ query }) => {
// Call your pipeline code here, using the model provided
return `I will use the model ${modelParameter.getValue()}.`;
inputType: z.object({
query: z.string(),
parameters: [modelParameter],

Here is an example of a numeric parameter for a pipeline that randomly guesses the date of an event.

import { defineInteraction, numericParameter } from '@gentrace/core';
import { z } from 'zod';
const randomYearParameter = numericParameter({
name: 'Random component of year',
defaultValue: 3,
const guessTheYear = defineInteraction({
name: 'Guess the year',
fn: async ({ query }) => {
// Call you pipeline code here
return Math.floor(Math.random() * randomYearParameter.getValue()) + 2022;
parameters: [randomYearParameter],
// Optional - validates input types
inputType: z.object({
query: z.string(),

Interactions without parameters​

You can also define interactions without providing any parameters if you would like to test local code variations, or experiment with different datasets.

import { defineInteraction } from '@gentrace/core';
const testInteraction = defineInteraction({
fn: async ({ blah }) => {
// Insert calling your pipeline code here
return {
response: 'YOUR_RESPONSE',

Run experiments​

Once you have your environment set up and your parameters and interactions registered, you can now run your experiments. To create a new experiment, navigate to your Pipeline > Test Results. Then click on the "New experiment" button in the top right corner.

Results grid new experiment button

You can choose which environment, dataset and interaction you would like to test. Then you can modify the parameters to override the defaults as you see fit.

Edited parameters passing validation

Input validation​

If you have provided input validation with your interaction, you will see validation fail for datasets that do not match your expected input type.

Mismatched dataset failing validation

New result​

Once you run your experiment you will see a new result in your result grid view.

New experiment result

If you view the metadata for this new experiment result, you can also start a new experiment based off of the parameters used in that result directly from the sidebar.


Server setup​

To run experiments against a production or staging version of your pipeline, or if you would rather use a webhook over a websocket, you can register a webhook environment with Gentrace.

Create the environment in Settings > Environments. You must give your environment a unique name and add the webhook url that will be listening for incoming traffic.

Create environment button

Create environment input

Then within your code, setup the webhook at the path you specified.

import { init, handleWebhook } from "@gentrace/core";
import express from "express";
apiKey: process.env.GENTRACE_API_KEY ?? "",
// Create Express app
const app = express();"/", async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
// Get the body of the request as a JSON object
const body = req.body;
await handleWebhook(body, (responseBody) => {
// Start the server
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 443;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${PORT}`);

Securing your webhook​

Our webhook requests are secured through content hashing with a signature. We calculate the SHA256 HMAC signature from the body and include that signature in the x-gentrace-signature.

To verify the webhook, calculate the signature from the raw request body (not the JSON parsed body) using the webhook secret available on your environment settings.

Once you have created the environment, you can copy the webhook secret from the environments settings page.

Copy webhook signing secret

Securely store your secret and use it in your webhook verification code:

import express from "express";
import { createHmac } from "crypto";
// Create Express app
const app = express();
// Verify the signature of the request
verify: (req: any, res: express.Response, buf, next) => {
req.rawBody = buf;
const webhookSecret = process.env.GENTRACE_WEBHOOK_SECRET ?? "";
// Get the signature from the header
const signature = req.header("x-gentrace-signature");
if (!signature) {
throw new Error("No signature provided");
const calculatedSignature = `sha256=${createHmac("sha256", webhookSecret)
// Verify the signature
if (signature !== calculatedSignature) {
throw new Error("Invalid signature");
// Add error handling middleware
err: Error,
req: express.Request,
res: express.Response,
next: express.NextFunction,
) => {