Pipelines - Get multiple
- TypeScript
- Python
We have limited support for pipeline CRUD operations at this time. We hope to expand this in the future.
import {init ,getPipelines } from '@gentrace/core';init ({apiKey :process .env .GENTRACE_API_KEY ,});constpipelines = awaitgetPipelines ({label : 'example-label',slug : 'example-slug',});for (constpipeline ofpipelines ) {console .log ('Pipeline: ',pipeline .displayName ,pipeline .slug );}
import gentraceimport osgentrace.init(api_key=os.getenv("GENTRACE_API_KEY"))pipelines = gentrace.get_pipelines()for pipeline in pipelines:print(pipeline.get("id"), pipeline.get("displayName"))
Get the pipelines associated with a given organization (through the supplied API key) using getPipelines()
. Filter the
pipeline output by certain parameters.
Get the pipelines associated with a given organization (through the supplied API key) using get_pipelines()
. Filter the
pipeline output by certain parameters.
Return value
An array of Pipeline
🛠️ `PipelineParams`
The PipelineParams
type is used to define parameters related to a pipeline. Here are the properties that can be included in PipelineParams
label?: string
Label for filtering pipelines
slug?: string
Slug for filtering pipelines
🛠️ `Pipeline`
The Pipeline
type represents the structure of a pipeline in TypeScript. Below are the properties that define a Pipeline
id: string (UUID)
createdAt: string (ISO 8601)
updatedAt: string (ISO 8601)
archivedAt?: string (ISO 8601)
labels: string[]
displayName?: string
slug: string
organizationId: string (UUID)
goldenDatasetId?: string (UUID)
branch?: string
The reference branch that the pipeline is associated with.