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Version: 4.7.23

Test runners - Get and Submit

The getTestRunners() and submitTestRunners() functions allow for more flexible use of test runs, which are instances of the PipelineRun class.

When used together, these functions allow for a parallelized version of Run test to be implemented.

Parallelization Example

import {
} from '@gentrace/core';
function exampleResponse(inputs: any) {
return 'This is a generated response from the AI';
// utility function to enable parallelism
export const enableParallelism = async <T, U>(
items: T[],
callbackFn: (t: T) => Promise<U>,
{ parallelThreads = 10 }: { parallelThreads?: number } = {},
) => {
const results = Array<U>(items.length);
const iterator = items.entries();
const doAction = async (iterator: IterableIterator<[number, T]>) => {
for (const [index, item] of iterator) {
results[index] = await callbackFn(item);
const workers = Array(parallelThreads).fill(iterator).map(doAction);
await Promise.allSettled(workers);
return results;
async function main() {
apiKey: process.env.GENTRACE_API_KEY ?? '',
const PIPELINE_SLUG = 'guess-the-year';
// get the existing pipeline (if already exists)
const pipelineBySlug = new Pipeline({
// example pipeline by ID
const pipelineById = new Pipeline({
id: 'c10408c7-abde-5c19-b339-e8b1087c9b64',
const pipeline = pipelineBySlug;
const exampleHandler = async ([
]: PipelineRunTestCaseTuple) => {
await runner.measure(
(inputs: any) => {
return {
example: exampleResponse(inputs),
const pipelineRunTestCases = await getTestRunners(pipeline);
await enableParallelism(pipelineRunTestCases, exampleHandler, {
parallelThreads: 5,
const response = await submitTestRunners(pipeline, pipelineRunTestCases);

getTestRunners(): Arguments

pipeline: Pipeline class

datasetId?: string

Optional ID of the dataset to use. If not specified, the golden dataset for the pipeline will be used.

const datasetId = '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000';
const pipelineRunTestCases = await getTestRunners(pipeline, datasetId);

caseFilter?: (testCase: TestCase) => boolean

Optional filter function that is called for each test case. For example, you can define a function to only run test cases that have a certain name prefix.

getTestRunners(): Return value

Returns an array of PipelineRunTestCaseTuples.

Each item in this array is a tuple of [PipelineRun, TestCase].

submitTestRunners(): Arguments

pipeline: Pipeline class

pipelineRunTestCases: Array<PipelineRunTestCaseTuple>

options?: { context?: { name: string, metadata: MetadataValueObject }, caseFilter?: (testCase: TestCase) => boolean } An optional object containing:

  • context?: An object with metadata for the test run.
    • name: A string to name the test run.
    • metadata: An object with additional metadata for the test run.
  • caseFilter?: A function to filter test cases.
  • triggerRemoteEvals?: A boolean to trigger evaluations hosted by Gentrace (defaults to true). Setting this to false is common when creating local evaluations

Example usage:

const options = {
context: {
name: "example-name",
metadata: {
model: {
type: 'string',
value: 'gpt-4'
caseFilter: (testCase) =>'priority-'),
// If you're opting to use local evaluations
triggerRemoteEvals: false
const result = await submitTestRunners(pipeline, pipelineRunTestCases, options);

submitTestRunners(): Return value

Returns a simple object with the test result ID as a UUID string. Here's an example response structure.

"resultId": "FACB6642-4725-4FAE-9323-634E72533C89"

You can then use this ID to retrieve the test result using the getTestResult() function or check the status with the getTestResultStatus() function.